torsdag 8 augusti 2013

En berättelse-modell för er som VERKLIGEN vill ha en utmaning!

Christopher Vogler

Vogler är författare till boken Writer’s journey, en tjock bok som försöker visa den struktur som (enligt vad han menar) återfinns i alla berättelser. Han arbetar mest med Hollywood-långfilmer, och det kan man ha i åtanke när man läser hans modell nedan. Låt oss se hur denna modell kan appliceras på sagan om Rödluvan.


1.) The hero is introduced in his/her ORDINARY WORLD.
Most stories ultimately take us to a special world, a world that is new and alien to its hero.  If you’re going to tell a story about a fish out of his customary element, you first have to create a contrast by showing him in his mundane, ordinary world. In STAR WARS you see Luke Skywalker being bored to death as a farm boy before he tackles the universe.

- Rödluvan är hemma hos sin mamma i stugan.

The hero is presented with a problem, challenge or adventure.  Maybe the land is dying, as in the King Arthur stories about the search for the Grail.  In STAR WARS, it’s Princess Leia’s holographic message to Obi Wan Kenobi, who then asks Luke to join the quest.  In detective stories, it’s the hero being offered a new case.  In romantic comedies it could be the first sight of that special but annoying someone the hero or heroine will be pursuing/sparring with.

- Rödluvans mamma ger henne i uppdrag att gå med en matkorg till mormor.

3.) The hero is reluctant at first. (REFUSAL OF THE CALL.)
Often at this point the hero balks at the threshold of adventure.  After all, he or she is facing the greatest of all fears – fear of the unknown.  At this point Luke refuses Obi Wan’s call to adventure, and returns to his aunt and uncle’s farmhouse, only to find they have been barbecued by the Emperor’s stormtroopers.  Suddenly Luke is no longer reluctant, and is eager to undertake the adventure.  He is motivated.

- Rödluvan frågar sin mamma om det inte är farligt att gå ensam genom skogen där vargen bor.

4.) The hero is encouraged by the Wise Old Man or Woman. (MEETING WITH THE MENTOR.)
By this time many stories will have introduced a character who is the hero’s mentor.  The mentor gives advice and sometimes magical weapons.  This is Obi Wan giving Luke his father’s light saber.
The mentor can go so far with the hero.  Eventually the hero must face the unknown by himself.  Sometimes the Wise Old Man/Woman is required to give the hero a swift kick in the pants to get the adventure going.

- Rödluvans mamma uppmuntrar henne att vara modig, det hänger på henne att mormor inte svälter ihjäl i sin stuga! Hon förmanar också Rödluvan att hon ska gå raka vägen och inte stanna och prata med någon.

5.)  The hero passes the first threshold.  (CROSSING THE THRESHOLD.)
The hero fully enters the special world of the story for the first time.  This is the moment at which the story takes off and the adventure gets going. The balloon goes up, the romance begins, the spaceship blasts off, the wagon train gets rolling.  Dorothy sets out on the Yellow Brick Road.  The hero is now committed to his/her journey and there’s no turning back.

- Rödluvan stiger ensam in i den stora, mörka, farliga skogen.

6.) The hero encounters tests and helpers. (TESTS, ALLIES, ENEMIES.)
The hero is forced to make allies and enemies in the special world, and to pass certain tests and challenges that are part of his/her training.  In STAR WARS the cantina is the setting for the forging of an important alliance with Han Solo and the start of an important enmity with Jabba the Hutt.  In CASABLANCA Rick’s Café is the setting for the “alliances and enmities” phase and in many Westerns it’s the saloon where these relationships are tested.

- Rödluvan möter vargen, en fiende som utger sig för att vara en allierad (för att använda Voglers termer på svenska). När Rödluvan inte låter honom följa med till mormor, föreslår han istället att hon ska plocka lite blommor till sin mormor. Medan Rödluvan går längre och längre från vägen i jakt på vackra blommor tar vargen en genväg.

7.)  The hero reaches the innermost cave.  (APPROACH TO THE INMOST CAVE.)
The hero comes at last to a dangerous place, often deep underground, where the object of the quest is hidden.  In the Arthurian stories the Chapel Perilous is the dangerous chamber where the seeker finds the Grail.  In many myths the hero has to descend into hell to retrieve a loved one, or into a cave to fight a dragon and gain a treasure. In STAR WARS it’s Luke and company being sucked into the Death Star where they will rescue Princess Leia.  Sometimes it’s just the hero going into his/her own dream world to confront fears and overcome them.

- Mormors stuga. Det har blivit en mycket farlig plats nu, när vargen är där inne.

8.) The hero endures the supreme ORDEAL. 
This is the moment at which the hero touches bottom.  He/she faces the possibility of death, brought to the brink in a fight with a mythical beast.  For us, the audience standing outside the cave waiting for the victor to emerge, it’s a black moment.  In STAR WARS, it’s the harrowing moment in the bowels of the Death Star, where Luke, Leia and company are trapped in the giant trash-masher.  Luke is pulled under by the tentacled monster that lives in the sewage and is held down so long that the audience begins to wonder if he’s dead.  In E. T. momentarily appears to die on the operating table.
This is a critical moment in any story, an ordeal in which the hero appears to die and be born again.  It’s a major source of the magic of the hero myth.  What happens is that the audience has been led to identify with the hero.  We are encouraged to experience the brink-of-death feeling with the hero.  We are temporarily depressed, and then we are revived by the hero’s return from death.

- Vargen sväljer henne hel! Snacka om att ”die and be born again”! Men i sista sekunden dyker en allierad upp: jägaren. I vissa versioner kommer han förbi av en slump, i andra har han sett vargens spår till mormors hus eller på annat sätt anat att något är galet. Han sprättar upp vargen och släpper ut mormor och Rödluvan.

9.) The hero seizes the sword. (SEIZING THE SWORD, REWARD)
Having survived death, beaten the dragon, slain the Minotaur, the hero now takes possession of the treasure he’s come seeking. Sometimes it’s a special weapon like a magic sword or it may be a token like the Grail or some elixir which can heal the wounded land.
The hero may settle a conflict with his father or with his shadowy nemesis.  In RETURN OF THE JEDI, Luke is reconciled with both, as he discovers that the dying Darth Vader is his father, and not such a bad guy after all.

- Visserligen är Rödluvan vår hjälte, men hon får tyvärr inte möjlighet att klara upp situationen på egen hand. Hon blir offer för vargen, och istället blir det jägaren som tar den aktiva rollen. Men både Rödluvan, mormor, jägaren och alla andra får belöningen: nu finns det ingen farlig varg i skogen mer!

The hero’s not out of the woods yet.  Some of the best chase scenes come at this point, as the hero is pursued by the vengeful forces from whom he has stolen the elixir or the treasure..  This is the chase as Luke and friends are escaping from the Death Star, with Princess Leia and the plans that will bring down Darth Vader.
If the hero has not yet managed to reconcile with his father or the gods, they may come raging after him at this point.  This is the moonlight bicycle flight of Elliott and E. T. as they escape from Keys, a force representing governmental authority.  By the end of the movie Keys and Elliott have been reconciled and it even looks like Keys will end up as Elliott’s step-father.

- På den här punkten händer det inte mycket i Rödluvan. I de versioner jag läst går Rödluvan helt enkelt hem igen, ibland i sällskap med jägaren. Ibland slutar historien hos mormor, när alla tre mumsar på matkorgen.

The hero emerges from the special world, transformed by his/her experience.  There is often a replay here of the mock death-and-rebirth of Stage 8, as the hero once again faces death and survives.  The Star Wars movies play with this theme constantly – all three of the films to date feature a final battle scene in which Luke is almost killed, appears to be dead for a moment, and then miraculously survives.  He is transformed into a new being by his experience.

- I vår saga kan det här momentet se lite olika ut. I en version där Rödluvan går hem igen är det uppenbart: hon återvänder till sin vardagsvärld. Men om sagan slutar i mormors stuga är det snarare världen som ändrats. Utan varg är skogen ofarlig. The inmost cave har förvandlats till en vardaglig plats.

The hero comes back to the ordinary world, but the adventure would be meaningless unless he/she brought back the elixir, treasure, or some lesson from the special world.  Sometimes it’s just knowledge or experience, but unless he comes back with the elixir or some boon to mankind, he’s doomed to repeat the adventure until he does.  Many comedies use this ending, as a foolish character refuses to learn his lesson and embarks on the same folly that got him in trouble in the first place.
Sometimes the boon is treasure won on the quest, or love, or just the knowledge that the special world exists and can be survived.  Sometimes it’s just coming home with a good story to tell.

- Oavsett om vår Rödluva går hem eller inte, slutar sagan med att hon lärt sig en läxa. Aldrig mer ska hon prata med främlingar eller vika av från den trygga vägen!

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